If you’re planning to upgrade your bathroom, you need a strategy to keep the water contained when someone is using the tub or shower. Curtains are a popular option, but they don’t contain 100% of the water and are vulnerable to mold and mildew issues. Glass surrounds, including sliding tub and shower doors are another popular option, and they’re what we’re going to talk about today.
First things first: if you’ve ever wanted to have a custom, one of a kind design element in your house, the glass surround in your bathroom is the way to have one. You won’t have to spend a ton of money. Glass is an incredibly expressive material, with so many options in colors and finishes that don’t contribute significantly to the overall cost of the project.
Glass is available in many different levels of transparency, from crystal clear to fully opaque. People have varying levels of comfort regarding privacy as they shower. The full variety of glass options will allow you to precisely choose the effect you find most comfortable. A blissful shower is one where you are truly at ease. Shower glass can be etched or frosted with classic motifs or your own custom design.
Your local glass contractor – that’s who you’ll work with to achieve this vision, if you’re managing the remodel yourself; otherwise, your GC or designer will do it – can provide glass custom-cut to any size needed to fit your tub or shower surround.
A lot of vision and effort goes into creating a beautiful shower. You’ve chosen gorgeous tile, a stylish showerhead, and all the amenities so you can relax in total bliss. The best shower surround glass will make it easy to enjoy looking at your shower while adding an additional subtle level of style. To see some examples of this concept in action, look here.