Everyone is trying to make the most of their budget. That means not wasting money, whenever possible. One big expense families face – especially in this part of Massachusetts – is keeping the home warm and comfortable over the cold winter months.
One of the reasons your home heating bill can be high is because you’re losing a lot of heat through broken or leaky windows. Life is busy, and a lot of us get in the habit of just living with the fact there’s a small crack in the kitchen window, or a chip in the bedroom window, or other damage to the window glass in the home. However, these small cracks can let a tremendous amount of warm air out of your home – and they also let a lot of cold air in.
Do You Have Drafty Cold Rooms in Your House
If you’re not sure if any of the windows in your house have cracks or damage, one way to find out is by checking them. As this can be a time consuming process, streamline it by starting in the coldest, draftiest rooms in the house. These are the rooms that are most likely to have damaged windows.
What Is the Most Affordable Way to Repair Broken Windows?
Once broken windows have been identified, the next step is repairing the damage. Energy experts state that up to 40% of a home’s heat can be lost through leaky windows and doors. Once you stop losing all of that heat, your home heating bills will go down.
That being said, what’s the most affordable way to repair broken windows? Window glass replacement is the answer you’ve been looking for. Window glass replacement repairs the broken part of your window – the glass – while keeping the perfectly good window frame – aka the really expensive part of any window – in place.