“You don’t really understand everything that’s involved with home ownership until you own a house,” Dylan said. “But apparently once you do, you spend the rest of your life learning how to fix everything that breaks. Case in point: the upstairs bedroom window that broke during a hailstorm. What am I supposed to do about that?”
Dylan did what he always does in this situation: he called his Dad for advice. “And Dad was great, no doubt. He said if the window frame isn’t broken, it means you can replace the glass. No big deal.”
So Dylan went up, inspected the broken window, and realized that he had no idea how he was going to get the glass out in order to replace it. “If I broke the window more, A – I was going to cut myself, perhaps pretty badly, and B – what happens to all the pieces of glass that stay stuck in the frame? Before I got involved with all of this, I called Dad back for some guidance.” Dylan laughed. “That’s when I found out Dad doesn’t actually fix this on his own. He calls in the local glass company to do it.”
What Is Window Glass Replacement?
Sometimes the only part of a window that gets damaged is the glass. This is often the case in instances like weather events, bird impact, or a baseball that really went off course. The frame of the window is undamaged, which means it’s not cracked, bent, split, or otherwise changed by the event that broke the glass. The glass may remain in the window, or it may have fallen out.
In these instances, your local window glass replacement company can help you out. They’ll need some measurements and information about the type of glass that’s in the window, and then a technician will come right to your house to do the replacement. If you prefer, it’s absolutely possible to bring the window into the workshop and pick it up again after the repairs have been done. The best window replacement glass company in the South Shore will work with you to make the process simple and stress free.