“When we had this house built, I really wanted a big window overlooking the back yard. My husband Ronald didn’t like the idea so much. ‘When this gets broken, it will cost a fortune to fix!’ he said.” Dottie laughed. “Well, flash forward 32 years, and it finally happened. A bird flew into the window and hit so hard the glass cracked from side to side. Ronald’s no longer with us, God bless, but I can still hear him saying “You had to have that big window – now you’re going to pay!”
Replacement Glass Services for Picture Windows
As a Hanover replacement glass service, we can say that Dottie isn’t the first person to have a bird fly into her picture window. No one is sure why birds fly into windows, but when they do, it’s often the glass that bears the brunt of the damage. It’s very unusual for a window frame to be damaged by a bird strike. This is good news, as it means homeowners can opt for replacement glass services instead of replacement window installation.
What is the difference between replacement glass services and replacement window installation? When you choose replacement glass services, the only thing being replaced is the glass panes of your window. These are replaced with glass of a size and nature identical to what was in place before the bird hit. When the job is done, you should not be able to see any difference in the way your window looks or functions.
Window replacement is the only choice available when a window’s frame, sill, or structure has been compromised or damaged. This is a far more expensive option, as you’re paying for a new window to be manufactured and installed. However, replacement windows generally offer better thermal performance and energy efficiency than older windows. When the job is done, the view may be the same but the numbers on your home energy bill will be different.