Tomorrow is the Ides of March, a time renowned for the abrupt and gruesome end of Caesar’s life and generally thought to not be the luckiest day ever. Plus, in case you haven’t noticed, we’ve had a little wild winter weather lately. Put these two things together, and if the fates aren’t with you, you might experience storm damage to your household windows.
Falling ice, storm blown debris, and even birds who get confused about where they’re going can all contribute to household window damage. We’re a glass service near Brockton, and here’s the inside information you need to know about broken windows.
Big Breaks Require Immediate Attention
When your windows are really broken – glass missing from the frame, with the interior of your home exposed to the outdoors without any protection whatsoever – this merits an emergency call to your local glass service. If the frame of the window is not damaged, window glass replacement will restore your home’s safety, security, and comfort fast.
Safety tip: if the broken window still has some pieces of glass in the frame, leave them there for the glass service to deal with. You do not want to cut or injure yourself. It is a good idea to secure the broken window as best as you can from the inside – covering the opening with a board, tarp, plastic or sheet – as well as closing the door to the room if possible. It’s important to keep children and pets away from this area.
Storm Window Damage and Replacement
Many homes in the Brockton area have exterior storm windows. These windows are installed on the outside of the house to protect your home’s windows against storm damage. The way storm windows protect your home’s windows is that they’re the ones that are impacted first by debris, ice, birds, or other damaging elements. When this happens, they break. Your local glass service can provide you with storm window replacement.